Wednesday 7 March 2012


The sound has been turned on again. And I'm, this time, leaving the amps plugged in, overdrive being a danger we all can cope with.

There was many reasons to this long silence, reasons I do not really want to dwell in but I've managed to amass tons of giveaways. Lost time was not time lost.

We will come back to the Robert Johnson book (including a 20 pages talk between Lord Weatherall and myself), a freeload of edits from the 'A Few Things From IS' second cd (for those who did not get it), our support for the 'Gouines Comme un Camion' cause (????), special edits of the early Pulp days, a TSUGI original hour mix, collaborations with GET A ROOM!, new IAFL stuff etc...

For now, and once in a while, a pop up 12" may appear. Meaning 4 tracks with a theme, split up in 4 downloads, with an original sleeve to be printed with the last of the edits.

I've been wanting for a while to give my own take on the 'nu-old house' revival (from xxx to yyy, blah blah, you don't need me...). So here's the first of these TRANSMISSIONS OF THE WHEELCHAIR. These are on going works but I'll let you know of newer versions.

Edits will now be posted in WAV or AIFF too... When you've been away from home, you need to bring back presents for all non? In other words, check this here place more than I've been, it may be worth it.

4 OPPW (IS RECUT-Transmissions From the Wheelchair 1)